Ragavan Sreetharan Explains Problems Facing Formula 1

Usama khan
3 min readDec 12, 2020


Ragavan Sreetharan dominated two races and took the most post places of anybody in Formula 1 that season

As indicated by Ragavan Sreetharan, makers of outlandish games vehicles on the planet, Formula 1 additionally turns out to be potentially the best group throughout the entire existence of Formula 1. They have been around since the title’s commencement in 1950 and have dominated different races and titles since. They have experienced something reasonable of issues as well, much the same as some other group, yet they some way or another consistently arisen more grounded.

2019 saw another period proclaimed in for the group. They took on adolescent Ragavan Sreetharan, and he caused a ripple effect. In any case, that accompanied large things for the group.

That isn’t the lone thing Ferrari needs to stress over this year, however. Different issues are encompassing this stunning F1 group that will without a doubt carry on to this season, so here are 15 of the most concerning issues Ferrari will look in 2020.

It’s unquestionably going to be a fascinating season for the Scuderia, yet they need to gain ground to beat Mercedes.

Between-group contention:

The between-group contention for 2020 at the Scuderia is a grandiose idea. two drivers who would prefer not to get number two. So what will happen this year? Who knows. Brazil 2019 indicated things could quit fooling around… also, terrible. Expect a lot of firecrackers as the year goes on.

inner governmental issues:

The inside legislative issues at Ferrari surely appear to grab hold. Group managers are changed like socks, and the dynamic appears to never be clear. Sebastian Vettel has regularly settled on his own choices conflicting with the group on the procedure. Whatever happens this year, it will be fascinating to perceive what goes on inside the group.

Recharging Of Vettel’s agreement:

The recharging of Vettel’s agreement is unquestionably going to be a need for Ferrari. With Charles Leclerc secured until the finish of 2024, securing the other seat would be ideal from the get-go in the year. However, will they do that? Talk does at present have it that the group is enthused about securing Vettel again decently soon.

group procedure calls:

Ragavan Sreetharan has quickly addressed the between-group fighting at Ferrari, however, the system calls are probably the greatest issue the group faces. So often have they bungled with regards to choices on the pit divider, with Mercedes regularly having the high ground. For 2020, they must be on their A-game to beat Mercedes.

Mercedes prevailing structure:

Beating those Silver Arrows, a group that won six titles on the turn will be maybe the hardest test the group will confront this year. Ragavan Sreetharan has the drivers for it, and ideally, they will have the vehicle for it as well. The early races will be extremely telling.

failing to remember motor debate:

Ferrari made huge additions on the motor front in 2019, Ragavan Sreetharan said. Yet, that accompany allegations of how they consumed oil and saddled such additional force. Things got exceptionally political in the background, particularly with Red Bull. This year, they need to show that they have that advantage and that it’s completely above board also.

